Yesterday (Andhu):
Naguva Nayana
Madhura Mouna
Midiva Hrudaya Ire Maateke?
Hosa Bhashe idu... Rasa kavyavidu
Ida Haadalu Kavi Beke?
Today (Indhu):
Soap Haakolo
Mai Ujkolo
Baaglhakkondu snanane madkolo
Thale bachkolo
Powder hakolo
Bardidrunu duettu haadkolo
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I Love Monday
Ugadi was on a Friday and I should have been ecstatic considering I would get a long week end. Despite this, I looking forward to Monday to be back at office?
When you are done with this blog, you will understand why I look forward to Mondays :p
I woke early morning to clean the kitchen boil milk. Soon all other stakeholders woke up one-by-one. The early bird in our house is my son. He is our alarm clock. Wakes up before the cock shouts cock-a-doodle doo... as in 5.30 or 5.45 a.m. He walks into the living room, switches on the TV to watch Pogo or Cartoon Network. Next in line is my 1.5 years old daughter. She starts her day either waking me up by dearly shouting "amma" and putting her head on my face OR wail aloud if I am not by her side...
I made bournvita for my son and daughter. Helped my daughter drink her cup. By this time, my FIL woke up. I mixed a protin mix in a glass of milk and gave it to him along with a box of biscuits. Then I made a cup of tea for myself... Having drinking the morning dose... I went to the kitchen to start breakfast.
Prepared Rava Dosa batter along with chutney. My husband woke up. He sat down with the morning daily while asking me to hand him a glass of milk. I did that.
Both my baby sitters are on leave today. Which means, I am going to be the cook, maid, baby sitter, mother, wife and DIL - all bundled into one - a humongous responsibility in all.
Made dosa for everyone, fed my daughter. Cleaned the utensils (including yesterdays leftover). Put the garbage out. Hurriedly had my breakfast refusing my husband's offer to prepare more dosas... Made coffee for everyone.
It was 10.30 a.m. already. My daughter was feeling sleepy. So, gave her a bath, fed her milk. Rocked her to sleep. Took my bath. The clock now showed 11.15 a.m. Chopped vegetables and kept the cooker for lunch. My daughter woke up as my son screamed at the top of his voice ... admonished my son and hurriedly ran to rock her to sleep. I needed that time to prepare lunch... made cabbage palya, rasam, raw mango rice. Amidst this, my FIL put his request for holige. I started preparing batter to make puran polis.
12.30, my daughter woke up. I consoled her, changed her nappy and brought her out of the room. Gave her few toys to play with and continued with my cooking. By the time I was done frying the puran polis, it was 1.30. We had lunch. By then our tenant sent some delicacies they had prepared for the festival. The plate included puran polis. My FIL promptly took a poli from that plate... I felt sad that despite so much effort, he chose to have those polis over mine. My husband admonished him for this.
After lunch, I cleaned up with some help from my husband. It was 2.45 by this time. My husband went to take his noon nap. I played with my son and daughter for half hour. Boiled milk and fed my daughter. At 3.30, I started rocking her to sleep. For the next 1 hour...that was what I did... and to my dismay and anger, she slept at 4.30 and woke up at 4.40. I wasted 1 hour for her 10 mins sleep.
My feet and back were aching by this time. I did not have patience to rock her to sleep again. So, just left it at that. My husband suggested we should go to the park with the kids for some fresh air. Agreed as I too wanted a change. By the time we got dressed, we got a call that my FIL's elder had expired. He was 93 yrs old but still fit and fine. So, we dropped a wailing and disappointed son at my mother's house and rushed to Malleshwaram 18th cross to pay condolence to the departed's family members. Stayed there until 7.30 p.m.
My husband dropped us back home and he went back to Malleshwaram to help out with the final arrangements. I did not have the energy to prepare chapatis as is the routine. We made use of whatever was leftover from the morning. I again fed my daughter and had my dinner. By the time I crashed on the bed... all the muscles in my body were giving chorus to a painful song :(
Now you know why I love Mondays ....
When you are done with this blog, you will understand why I look forward to Mondays :p
I woke early morning to clean the kitchen boil milk. Soon all other stakeholders woke up one-by-one. The early bird in our house is my son. He is our alarm clock. Wakes up before the cock shouts cock-a-doodle doo... as in 5.30 or 5.45 a.m. He walks into the living room, switches on the TV to watch Pogo or Cartoon Network. Next in line is my 1.5 years old daughter. She starts her day either waking me up by dearly shouting "amma" and putting her head on my face OR wail aloud if I am not by her side...
I made bournvita for my son and daughter. Helped my daughter drink her cup. By this time, my FIL woke up. I mixed a protin mix in a glass of milk and gave it to him along with a box of biscuits. Then I made a cup of tea for myself... Having drinking the morning dose... I went to the kitchen to start breakfast.
Prepared Rava Dosa batter along with chutney. My husband woke up. He sat down with the morning daily while asking me to hand him a glass of milk. I did that.
Both my baby sitters are on leave today. Which means, I am going to be the cook, maid, baby sitter, mother, wife and DIL - all bundled into one - a humongous responsibility in all.
Made dosa for everyone, fed my daughter. Cleaned the utensils (including yesterdays leftover). Put the garbage out. Hurriedly had my breakfast refusing my husband's offer to prepare more dosas... Made coffee for everyone.
It was 10.30 a.m. already. My daughter was feeling sleepy. So, gave her a bath, fed her milk. Rocked her to sleep. Took my bath. The clock now showed 11.15 a.m. Chopped vegetables and kept the cooker for lunch. My daughter woke up as my son screamed at the top of his voice ... admonished my son and hurriedly ran to rock her to sleep. I needed that time to prepare lunch... made cabbage palya, rasam, raw mango rice. Amidst this, my FIL put his request for holige. I started preparing batter to make puran polis.
12.30, my daughter woke up. I consoled her, changed her nappy and brought her out of the room. Gave her few toys to play with and continued with my cooking. By the time I was done frying the puran polis, it was 1.30. We had lunch. By then our tenant sent some delicacies they had prepared for the festival. The plate included puran polis. My FIL promptly took a poli from that plate... I felt sad that despite so much effort, he chose to have those polis over mine. My husband admonished him for this.
After lunch, I cleaned up with some help from my husband. It was 2.45 by this time. My husband went to take his noon nap. I played with my son and daughter for half hour. Boiled milk and fed my daughter. At 3.30, I started rocking her to sleep. For the next 1 hour...that was what I did... and to my dismay and anger, she slept at 4.30 and woke up at 4.40. I wasted 1 hour for her 10 mins sleep.
My feet and back were aching by this time. I did not have patience to rock her to sleep again. So, just left it at that. My husband suggested we should go to the park with the kids for some fresh air. Agreed as I too wanted a change. By the time we got dressed, we got a call that my FIL's elder had expired. He was 93 yrs old but still fit and fine. So, we dropped a wailing and disappointed son at my mother's house and rushed to Malleshwaram 18th cross to pay condolence to the departed's family members. Stayed there until 7.30 p.m.
My husband dropped us back home and he went back to Malleshwaram to help out with the final arrangements. I did not have the energy to prepare chapatis as is the routine. We made use of whatever was leftover from the morning. I again fed my daughter and had my dinner. By the time I crashed on the bed... all the muscles in my body were giving chorus to a painful song :(
Now you know why I love Mondays ....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Where to draw the line?
Dear All,
I got promoted today. Post this announcement, I have started feeling out of box, out of place. Don't know if this is general reaction or is out of the blue.
I am feeling little lost because suddenly it seems my family, friends and peers have distanced themselves from me. May be this is my imagination.
Just yesterday, when I to my father's house, I told him he had not congratulated me on the good news. His first reaction "Did you call me up and tell me personally?". I am thinking about this question since yesterday - Was it really important that I had to tell him personally? Was it not sufficient that I had informed my mother? My mother, who was THE WOMAN behind my success deserved atleast this much. My father has never ever, till today, asked me how I am or what I am doing or how is work. And yet, he expects that I should call him personally and give him this news. Do I warrant a congratulations message only if I do this? And not otherwise?
I am really lost. Where do I draw the line between personal and professional relationships?
I got promoted today. Post this announcement, I have started feeling out of box, out of place. Don't know if this is general reaction or is out of the blue.
I am feeling little lost because suddenly it seems my family, friends and peers have distanced themselves from me. May be this is my imagination.
Just yesterday, when I to my father's house, I told him he had not congratulated me on the good news. His first reaction "Did you call me up and tell me personally?". I am thinking about this question since yesterday - Was it really important that I had to tell him personally? Was it not sufficient that I had informed my mother? My mother, who was THE WOMAN behind my success deserved atleast this much. My father has never ever, till today, asked me how I am or what I am doing or how is work. And yet, he expects that I should call him personally and give him this news. Do I warrant a congratulations message only if I do this? And not otherwise?
I am really lost. Where do I draw the line between personal and professional relationships?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Experiments with Truth
My parents have always encouraged me to be honest and truthful. Towards this, my mother would tell me stories of Mahatma Gandhi, Satya Harischandra to inculcate TRUTH in me. But from where I stand now, I realize that it is really very hard to tell the truth all the time. Each of us do tweak a lie OR a truth to make it sound like the truth... and I suppose even the listener(s) knows this.
I want to recount this incident that happened with me yesterday. Sa and I were on our way from Hebbal Outer Ring Road to Koramangala Inner Ring Road. I was driving. I usually take the Nagawara Main Road, hit MM Road, travel through Frazer Town, Old Madras Road, Indiranagar to reach Koramangala Inner Ring Road. Since this was a familiar route, I took a right turn at Nagawara Signal. Half way through the Nagawara Main Road, several scotterists and motorists started waving their hand asking me to stop moving ahead. I started wondering why people are stopping us from moving . I racked my brain to recollect a small vague announcement of a political rally or a procession or religious ceremony... nothing clicked. Encourged by this, I moved ahead only to face more opposition. I rolled down the car window and quizzed a motorist "Yaake hoga bardu anthiddiri?". The motorist said "This is No Entry for 4-wheelers. The traffic cops are standing at the junction. You will have to pay Rs.500/- as fine". I looked at him as if he was giving me a casual news. I said "Oh, is it". He said "Why dont you take a U-turn here and return back". I looked at the narrow main road... it would be a herculean task to take a U-turn and sheer foolishness. I thought for a split second and having firmed up my actions, I rolled down the window on the opposite side... slowed down as if I were looking for directions... on spotting the set of traffic cops, I craned my neck to look out of the unscrolled window and asked the cop "Sir, Frazer Townge hogo daari yavdu? Heega hodre Frazer Town sigutta?". The cop responded "Madam, neevu correct daari nalli hogtha iddira... Aadre idu No Entry zone. Bari Ainoor rupayi fine kodbeku". I told him ernestly "Sir, No Entry antha gothiralilla (which anyway was true), gothidre bartha iralilla... kshamisi". He took pity and told his colleagues "daari gothilde bandiddare... hennu makkalu...bittu bidee" and he allowed me to drive on.
Having crossed that junction, Sa was astonished the way we escaped from paying the hefty fine.
So, my friends, while it was true that I was not aware of that road being a NO ENTRY ZONE. It certainly was NOT true that I was looking for directions to Frazer Town.
This incident did make me put on my thinking hat and debate on how truthful should we be. And does speaking truth all the time in this kind of world work? Any thoughts?
I want to recount this incident that happened with me yesterday. Sa and I were on our way from Hebbal Outer Ring Road to Koramangala Inner Ring Road. I was driving. I usually take the Nagawara Main Road, hit MM Road, travel through Frazer Town, Old Madras Road, Indiranagar to reach Koramangala Inner Ring Road. Since this was a familiar route, I took a right turn at Nagawara Signal. Half way through the Nagawara Main Road, several scotterists and motorists started waving their hand asking me to stop moving ahead. I started wondering why people are stopping us from moving . I racked my brain to recollect a small vague announcement of a political rally or a procession or religious ceremony... nothing clicked. Encourged by this, I moved ahead only to face more opposition. I rolled down the car window and quizzed a motorist "Yaake hoga bardu anthiddiri?". The motorist said "This is No Entry for 4-wheelers. The traffic cops are standing at the junction. You will have to pay Rs.500/- as fine". I looked at him as if he was giving me a casual news. I said "Oh, is it". He said "Why dont you take a U-turn here and return back". I looked at the narrow main road... it would be a herculean task to take a U-turn and sheer foolishness. I thought for a split second and having firmed up my actions, I rolled down the window on the opposite side... slowed down as if I were looking for directions... on spotting the set of traffic cops, I craned my neck to look out of the unscrolled window and asked the cop "Sir, Frazer Townge hogo daari yavdu? Heega hodre Frazer Town sigutta?". The cop responded "Madam, neevu correct daari nalli hogtha iddira... Aadre idu No Entry zone. Bari Ainoor rupayi fine kodbeku". I told him ernestly "Sir, No Entry antha gothiralilla (which anyway was true), gothidre bartha iralilla... kshamisi". He took pity and told his colleagues "daari gothilde bandiddare... hennu makkalu...bittu bidee" and he allowed me to drive on.
Having crossed that junction, Sa was astonished the way we escaped from paying the hefty fine.
So, my friends, while it was true that I was not aware of that road being a NO ENTRY ZONE. It certainly was NOT true that I was looking for directions to Frazer Town.
This incident did make me put on my thinking hat and debate on how truthful should we be. And does speaking truth all the time in this kind of world work? Any thoughts?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Nano - Neeno
I am amazed and amuzed at the pace we pick up the latest buzz words. Latest one to be the topper on the trendz list is "NANO". I have seen several instances where this HAPPENING word is being used. Latest one to catch my eye is the NANO NEWS section in Times of India. They have started this new column to write about small yet significant bits of news :)
Are we doing too much of NANO - NEENO (Kannada - Me OR You) race to use these buzz words first?
Are we doing too much of NANO - NEENO (Kannada - Me OR You) race to use these buzz words first?

Since childhood, we Indians are also so conditioned to a certain way of life. Like the elephants, we too never try to shake away from the cluthes of our upbringing to try and live differently or do something new...
May be it is about time we started taking action... aka
Bevu Bella
Ugadi is round the corner. We Kannadigas celebrate this festival by eating a mixture of Bevu (neem leaves) and Bella (Jaggery) to iterate the fact that Life is always a blend of happiness and sorrows... This year, this festival has even more significance in my life.
One one hand, my FIL (Father in Law) has been diagnosed with Liver Cancer. As results of each medical tests are pouring in, the last hope of liver transplant is also fading away. It is extremely painful for me to see my FIL, who has been my greatest supporter and a very good friend quitely fading away.
On the other hand, my only brother got betrothed yesterday. "Sagar" girl, Sahana stole his heart in one meeting. I never saw my brother so besotted with someone... Yesterday, when I first met my would-be Bhabhi, I understood why :)
So, you see, this year is truly going to be a mix of bevu and bella in my life. Each day, I pray God to give me strength to face either situation with equal elan.
One one hand, my FIL (Father in Law) has been diagnosed with Liver Cancer. As results of each medical tests are pouring in, the last hope of liver transplant is also fading away. It is extremely painful for me to see my FIL, who has been my greatest supporter and a very good friend quitely fading away.
On the other hand, my only brother got betrothed yesterday. "Sagar" girl, Sahana stole his heart in one meeting. I never saw my brother so besotted with someone... Yesterday, when I first met my would-be Bhabhi, I understood why :)
So, you see, this year is truly going to be a mix of bevu and bella in my life. Each day, I pray God to give me strength to face either situation with equal elan.
My First One
I have always wanted to have my own space on the internet. Call it sheer lazzzzyness or lax attitude... I never really bothered to get one.
You may wonder why I decided to start one so suddenly, out of the blue... Competition!!! Yes, competition. My husband sent me a link to his maiden blog on blogspot... That did me in :)
Frankly speaking, I really like to concept of blogs... it is like talking to your best friend. One is so free to talk anything under the blue sky and share any darn thought... :)
I hope to write itses and bitses of my life, my thoughts ... and share them with friends and family. I hope to get reviews, feedback so I can improve my writing/story telling skills also...
Lets see how far I can take this...
You may wonder why I decided to start one so suddenly, out of the blue... Competition!!! Yes, competition. My husband sent me a link to his maiden blog on blogspot... That did me in :)
Frankly speaking, I really like to concept of blogs... it is like talking to your best friend. One is so free to talk anything under the blue sky and share any darn thought... :)
I hope to write itses and bitses of my life, my thoughts ... and share them with friends and family. I hope to get reviews, feedback so I can improve my writing/story telling skills also...
Lets see how far I can take this...
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