I am in a wistful mood today. I did not sleep well most part of yesterday night. Aakash is down with severe case of food poisoning and I had to nurse him back to health. He was bright as a spring by the time I left for office. I thanked God with the drowsiness catching up with me as I got into the car.
My day started with meetings. Meeting with my a senior of mine left me numb in pain. Very soon, this senior at work will be leaving to the United States on a special assignment. This hit me hard. One lady I have been totally bowled out by and learnt a lot from - It is difficult to brush off the budding camradarie I was beginning to develop with her. There was so much I could learn from her. Suddenly I feel lot emptier.
For the first time, she talked about her personal life. My heart went out for her. Little does she know that I was once standing close to following that path myself.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
On the other hand, Jo is leaving the organization to join her Hero in UK. Over the last few years, Sa and Jo have grown to be part of my DNA at Target. Very difficult to replace either of them with new people. But situations sometimes force you to go look for newer relationships and friendship, find new faces and network. It is not really easy for you to go build a bond with just anyone. And this is what I am going to face not too far from today.
I am half way into this year and taking stock of my life. Lot of things have worked well till now... but looks like I am going to lose more than gain before this year ends... :(