Let me tell you the story of how I learnt to ride a 2-wheeler.
I fought with my dad and made him buy me a Hero Puch - first 4-stroke 2-wheeler to be launched. And I did this in rebelling against all well wishers who asked me to buy a gear-less vehicle.
Anyways, I finally had my bike and I was proud as a peacock. I got the "balancing" right. In order to practice riding, I used to take the vehicle out early in the morning.
One early morning, I set out towards Jnanabharathi Campus to practice my bike riding skills. I headed towards this as I knew vehicles were less and roads were good and decently wide...
Half way towards my destination, I had to negotiate an very uphill left bend.
Towards the left of the road were few huts and a huge garbage dump. One little kid was sitting near the garbage dump answering nature's call... (Now, don't say, sheesh, why is she writing about all this here... just wait until you read the entire story !!!)
I saw it from a distance and continued to ride towards the bend. As I was nearing the bend, I saw a bus coming from the opposite direction. I had not expected this. I got really scared. I was so busy thinking how I should work my way towards the left bend; that I did not observe the muddy patch.
Within no time, my bike skid off the road and I fell off slightly away from the garbage dump...5-7 feet away from where the little boy was s(h)itting!!! Next instant, I saw this little guy jump up and run towards the hut...
In 2 seconds, I realized that what had happened. Here was this little guy sitting peacfully by the road side. And there I come and fall couple of feet away from him... He was so scared that he actually thought I was falling on him... and he ran away...!!!
I found the whole incident so hilarious that even as i got up rubbing my wounds, I was laughing so loud... people gathered and started wondering whether I was in my senses :P
I am dead sure, this little guy, has never sat by the road's side to answer nature's call ever again :P
This is the most hilarious incident i can recollect associated with my bike riding experiences.
To end the story, I realized, riding a bike was tough. So, as i abandoned my bike, I resolved to drive a car when i started earning. That was when I could afford to buy a car...I could not ask my dad to buy one for me... Thankfully, that dream has come true :D
No...No more of such accidents!!!
My father quit his banking job to open a restuarant. When he was in Bank, he had set time. He would leave home 8 a.m. in the morning and return by 6 p.m. However, with the change in occupation, demands on his time rose. He started leaving home by 6 a.m. and return by 10 p.m.
I had so many complaints on him. He did not come to school to pay my fees - made me pay my own fees even when I was in 2nd standard. He never asked me how school was, what I was doing at school, what were my grades, what i need to study, what should i do and what i should not do.
The only time he actually intervened was when i had to decide on what college i wanted to study after completing 10th. His choice was one close to our restaurant and i loathed that college. And the fact that i had to study in that college eventually, increased my resentment towards him.
My list of complaints just got lengthier......
But yesterday, on Father's day, I was out attending the Landmark Forum. The coach of the forum was talking about our relationships with our parents. One statement he made touched a chord and opened a whole new world of possibilities.
"Your parents did what they did for you. And to the best of their abilities. How much have you acknowledged that?"
Tears started flowing down my cheeks. I had never never thought from this angle. His working hard was to provide food, clothes and shelter to us. How could a simple thing like this not enter my head all these years?
Nonetheless, I consoled myself "Better late than never". I called up my dad from my cell. I told him:
"Annu, all these years you have worked so hard and done so much for us. You made sure we are educated, we went to college and earned masters degree, you are so proud to see us now, successful in our jobs... and yet, we never have thanked you enough. I want to acknowledge you for everything you have done for me till now. You are a very good father and I am proud of you."