Friday, June 12, 2009

Janeyagiru Nanna Mallige

Janeyagiru Nanna Mallige
Nee Hennagi Bandiruve Illige...

How True....
There was a time when I used to scoff at this song. I hated this song, may be it was a phase of denial!!! But today, when I look back, I almost agree with that song... Times change... We grow up and our mindset changes ....

Small incidents that happen in my day to day routine reminds me of this song:

Every day, as I travel to and from my Gym, I observe several ladies plucking flowers from others' gardens. When I see this, I have a strong urge to yell at them

"Hey, what is the meaning of you plucking flowers from someone else's garden? Do you know how patiently they might sowed the plants, watered them and waited for them to grow and flower? They do all the hard work and you take the flower?"

But the only reason why the words don't come out of my mouth is because this seems to be nature's well accepted logic.

Look at the little ones of birds - eggs hatch, mother feeds the young ones... the moment they learn to fly.. they are out of the nest.

I kind of more liken this to our daughters - we give birth to them, look after them so lovingly, make sure their feet don't know thorns, their eyes don't know tears ... and see them grow tall and beautiful... and yet one day, they leave you behind to be the brightness of someone else's home.................



  1. Heart touching write up dear.

  2. seriously :( :( :(
    have you heard this song? emma mane angaladi beladiruva huvondu???? i shall forward you that...
