Thursday, November 17, 2011

Of Highs and Lows

Life has come a full circle for me this week. I have seen death, blood, and tears...

Through all these incidents, I learnt a lesson. Life gives us only so many opportunities to rectify our faundering ways and to make amends to those people we love so much. But that's to it. And if you do not use these opportunities, you will see time passing by and the person passing away - leaving behind you and the guilt of not making your loved one happy. Trust me, this can be one heck of a situation to be in.

As children, we make so many mistakes. Imagine a situation where you have made a terrible mistake and hurt your parents. What happens when your father or mother passes away? Here you are with the realization of the hurt you gave them... but no means of making up to them whatsoever.

I remember a time when I deliberately hurt my parents over small things like talking to boys (my father, in particular, is very orthodox and he hated that his daughter speaks to boys at college), going to movies with boys (even if that gang had a good number of girls and boys) or go for a cup of coffee with a "boy" friend). I did so deliberately for two reasons - one, I saw nothing wrong in having friends who are boys and did not want to hide from my parents that I do talk to boys because I think it is ok to do so... two, it was my way of rebeling against him for sending me off to stay at my granny's place for 2 years during my high school period.

But as I grew up, started understanding them better, I realized what a dud I was to rebel against them. They were only trying to protect me from this big, bad world... sigh!! Luckily, Life gave me a chance to make amends and reciprocate their feelings/thoughts by studying well and doing well in life. Today they are proud of their daughter...

However, we need to remember that we will never know when a loved one will be taken away from us. So, why do wait to make amends? Why don't we do it now?

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