Monday, March 23, 2009

My First One

I have always wanted to have my own space on the internet. Call it sheer lazzzzyness or lax attitude... I never really bothered to get one.
You may wonder why I decided to start one so suddenly, out of the blue... Competition!!! Yes, competition. My husband sent me a link to his maiden blog on blogspot... That did me in :)
Frankly speaking, I really like to concept of blogs... it is like talking to your best friend. One is so free to talk anything under the blue sky and share any darn thought... :)
I hope to write itses and bitses of my life, my thoughts ... and share them with friends and family. I hope to get reviews, feedback so I can improve my writing/story telling skills also...
Lets see how far I can take this...


  1. Welcome to the blog world!
    good luck :)

  2. Nanu blog shuru madidhe nanna husband ningondhu surprise antha avara blog thorasdhaga :P
    What a coincidence!
