Tuesday, February 16, 2010

J in Bangalore

My friend, J, who moved to UK along with her husband is coming to Bangalore on a 3 weeks vacation.
The reason I am mentioning this here is because I saw a curious phenomenon. J had sent an email telling S and I about her impending visit. And we are very excited about J's Bangalore visit.
Then, it happened. Multiple people in the organization started pinging/calling/walking over to me just to tell me about J's impending visit to Bangalore. And they casually start "Hi Vidya... do you know J is coming to Bangalore" and I am like "oh..yeah...she told me..."
Then I started thinking about this. Why are these people, who normally never talk to me, pinging me to tell about J?
Several conclusions:
1. It was very evident that J has managed to retain good relationships with all ex-colleagues not just S and I
2. These people, who still, are in the organization, are really happy about the prospect of meeting J as much as S and I

3. May be they want to see me green with envy (and they largely succeeded !!!) showcasing the fact that they too are J's friends :P