Monday, June 1, 2009

Injections and Pain

Saturday was my daughter, Aditi's innoculation day. She got a booster shot.

We were at the clinic at 8.30 a.m. The doctor we took her to, gave us 2 choices (its a consumer's world !!!):

(a) local booster injection - very painful - Rs. 700
(b) phoren made booster injection - very LESS painful - Rs. 1800
Which one do you want? (as if we have a choice.......humph!)

My husband immediately said, we will go with Option-a (without consulting me, the little one's mother)

And by the time I realized what was happening, in went the locally made injection.

Doctor warned us that she would go through immense pain and fever bout for 2 days.

On our way back, I brought this topic for discussion:

I (to my husband) - why did you go for the local injection?
He - I thought it was cost effective. Eitherways, injections bring in pain
I (said heroically) - Its okay... how long can we protect her from pain?

May be I spoke too early.

By noon, the pain she was undergoing was clearly evident. Her plight was unseeable to me. She was crying in pain each time she wanted to move her left leg (on which she received the shot).
She was also running high temperature. Although, she was bearing it herocially, my heart crushed seeing her in this state... what made is worse was her inablility to tell us what she was going through.... she is still learning to speak at 1.5 years ...

All said and done... parents are parents... we want to shield our kids from pain and suffering as much as possible.... so, i resolved to go in for the costlier injection next time ...

To hell with money.... I don't want my daughter to suffer like this... I don't want to see tears in her beautiful eyes .... I want to see her happy and smiling always...


  1. U r rt Vidya. When it comes to dear ones, we will always choose their happiness over the money. If not for this, it will be spent on something else soon. Who would want to see a li'l one lying down all day and that too when they are so young to even express exactly what they are going too. I hope Aditi feels good soon :)

    BTW, I dread injections even now ;)

  2. Very true, swaram... but question i ponder in my head - how long and how much can we shield them from pain? Is it better to tell them that life comes with joy as well as pain?

  3. Oh yeah! That's true. So diff to decide when is the rt time to let them know life has its share of joys n sorrows.

  4. BTW, I love the name of ur blog. So apt and what u write is really so much in sync with that :)
