Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am truly frustrated today. After my baby sitter went through a surgery to set right her oesophagus blockage; I have been making a conscious effort to cook soft breakfast such as Idly, Dosa, Pongal etc - which are soft to chew.

After trying out everything, today, I tried my hand at preparing cucumber kadabu. This kadabu can be made both spicy as well as sweet. The batter for the spicy kadabu became a bit thin. So, after the steaming, the top layer had become quity soggy. But it did taste good.

However, my baby sitter saw that soggy layer and refused to eat the kadabu. She adamantly prepared dosa for herself (I always keep dosa batter in the fridge for emergencies).

I was FURIOUS. Could see myself shake from head to toe.

And this is a lady who will not have anything to eat at home if she stops earning her salary. A person who is really struggling because her husband does not earn anything. Rather, whatever he earns he spents on booze...

What do I do with people like this? Should I call it ego? Should I call it "Pride"?

How do I handle this at all?


  1. Like you would handle Akash/Aditi/Sri (yes very true), when they do a similar thing ;-)
