Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Letter to the forest department

Today morning, my husband requested me to write a letter in Kannada addressing to the Forest Department Officials.

And this truly was a humbling and embarassing experience. I realized, although I am a born, brought up in karnataka person, I do not know how to write a letter in kannada.

For instance, I did not know how to write "Respected Sir" and "Sub" and "Trim the tree". It was so bad that eventually, I wrote the word "trim" in kannada alphabets and instead of "Respected Sir", I wrote "Respected Helper"....

Any person reading the letter is bound to be offended and I would not be surprised if s/he refuses to help my husband.

But - good thing is that since the letter is from my husband to the forest department officials, in all possibilities, they will believe that the letter was written by him.

If you are seeing 2 devil horns behind my head - you are correct :P

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha,
    Actually, even I dont know how to write Respected Sir, or end the letter with Regards/Thanking you.... :P
    trim in kannada lipi? LOL! :D
