Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Black is beautiful?

"Black is not a color", said Edouard Manet.

Black has always been a synonym to impurity, darkness, bad luck and what not.

1. In south India, we never gift black dress materials or sarees for festivals or weddings.

2. Black Widow Spider is quoted often when referring to a "bad" wife because this spider gobbles up its husband after laying eggs.

On the contrary:
1. During Gowri Festival, the goddess' is offered with "Gowri Butti" or Gowri's ensembles, that contains 2 small black bangles.
2. Black kajal is applied to all kids to ward off evil.
3. We wear black clothes to look glamorous and beautiful - black goes with all colors and hence you can really mix and match well. So, black is a chosen color for all fashion designers.
4. In all romantic novels, it is the TDH (Tall, Dark and Handsome) guy that gets to marry the herione eventually
5. The movie "Black" carved a niche for itself in the history of Bollywood.
6. Our hair, which is called the crowning glory, is indeed black in color and this helps accentuate our beauty.

So, why then are we obsessed with White and Fair? Or is this as hypocritical as India and Article 377? Marcus Aurelius has said it right when he quoted "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts"


  1. What a thoughtful post Vidya! Black is indeed beautiful. I can't understand people who judge beauty by the colour of the skin!

  2. very true.....Parents who r dark themselves wanted a fair skinned child...how is it possible unless they adopt a caucasian child...
