Monday, July 13, 2009

Swaram Tagged me :P

Swaram had left a tag for me on one of her blogs - post the picture you love the most and explain why you love it the most.
Luckily it was an easy one. This one is my all time favorite.

Its my secret wish that some day, I will be standing / sitting on this pier waiting for that someone who will love me as deeply as the guy in Nicholas Sparks novel "The Message in a Bottle" :P

This can, ofcourse, happen only in my next birth as I am already married and have no intention of waiting for that "someone" by any pier... In One birth, One Marriage is vastly sufficient :D

But seriously speaking, this picture depicts the loneliness in my heart perfectly !!!


  1. That's a beautiful pic Vidya n luv the way u hv written abt it :P

  2. Its a beautiful pic, why don't you take your hubby to this place ;)

  3. @ Swaram,
    Thanks a bunch :)

    @ memyhubbybaby,
    I would not have selected this place if I had to take my hubby there ;)
    This place is in the united states... i dont really know when I will get an opportunity to go there with my husband... but then kids will also follow... and the place will not remain the same :D

  4. A very nice pic and here is some words to sum it all up:

    ~ Here I sit between my brother the mountain and my sister the sea. We three are one in loneliness, and the love that binds us together is deep and strong and strange. ~

    - Kahlil Gibran
