Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Toastmasters Club

I am terrified of public speaking. In a formal gathering of even 5 people, I cannot talk. My heart thumps faster, my hands and feet go numb, I start shaking and shivering. Almost all times, I have wished I were dead.

Now, my role in the organization demands that I walk up to the stage and talk in front of at least 250-300 people at any given time. I have been shirking all opportunities of public speaking. However, when I realized this was becoming hard and almost impossible, I decided to do something about this.

That's when I heard of Toastmasters club. This re-kindled my interest to get over my fear of public speaking. So, as soon as I got an opportunity, I enrolled myself into Toastmasters Club.

It has been extremely good experience so far. I have managed to complete 4 speaking projects (out of total 10 to become a competent communicator (CC)). I will be doing the 5th one this month. So, wish me luck.

For those who want to use my projects as templates, I will start posting them here... :)


  1. hey, good luck with the 5th one :)

  2. I find the Toastmasters club gr8 too :)

  3. @ Khushi,

    Thanks a bunch for the wishes... I surely will miss seeing you in the audience :P

    @ Swaram,
    Have you done any speaking projects? Why dont you post them on your blog? I am sure they would be as interesting as your blog write-ups :)

  4. great idea...good luck...

  5. Thats a very good club, by hubby had joined it back in California. I'm sure it'll help you conquer your fears.

